CAR Champions of Home Nominations Open
by Heather | Mar 21, 2024 | C.A.R. |

Would you like C.A.R. to make a $5,000 donation to a non-profit organization that you serve?
CAR is accepting submissions for the Champions of Home Impact Awards which honor California REALTORS® who’ve made a significant impact on their communities through volunteer efforts.
If you aren’t a part of the group of our members who have already submitted a nomination for yourself or a fellow REALTOR®, here’s what you need to know:

In addition to the donations to the non-profit organizations 501(c)3 they serve, one winner and up to two honorees and will be recognized at REimagine! Conference & Expo in Long Beach in September.
Join us in celebrating the good that C.A.R. members do for their communities. Nominations are open now through April 15!

Learn more about the awards and how to nominate yourself or someone else here.
