REALTOR® Value Solidified in 2020

As the book closes on 2020 and we all hope for brighter days in 2021, I want to take a minute to reflect upon these past 12 months. Though we’ve been through so much here in America and around the world, there is reason to celebrate. To celebrate our resiliency, our...

NAR Board of Directors Extends Code of Ethics Application

On November 13th, NAR’s Board of Directors strengthened REALTORS®’ commitment to upholding fair housing ideals, approving a series of recommendations from NAR’s Professional Standards Committee that extend the application of Article 10 of the Code of Ethics to...

NAR Celebrates Two Big Advocacy Wins

Last week, a bill that funded the federal government through December f11th was signed into law; the bill includes a full-year extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and surface transportation funding. Under the agreement, NFIP authority is extended...

Why #RealtorsVote

As we’ve come to expect, we are inundated with political advertisements, social media posts, and other messages on a daily basis. It’s easy to get turned off by the negativity of elections and politics. While a lot of attention is paid to the top of the ticket, or...

Building a Culture of Preparedness

No one could have prepared for what 2020 has had in store for us to date. But there are situations that REALTORS® and homeowners should be prepared for — hurricane season. Market activity is returning to full swing. That likely brings added questions from potential...