C.A.R. Research Wants Your Input

C.A.R.’s Research Team is asking for member input for its weekly surveys about your experience in the field. Your feedback helps C.A.R. continue bringing you the most accurate data possible for its weekly data report. A new survey is available at the same link each...

Shareable Housing Market Motion Graphics

2020 has been an unprecedented year for the California housing market, and the data shows us just how much has changed. Download and share these motion graphics filled with key takeaways from our 2020 Annual Housing Market Survey, and stay tuned for more to come...

ICYMI: California Coronavirus Update

PUA benefit recipients receiving more than the $167 minimum weekly benefit amount are being asked by the EDD to provide income verification documents. The income verification deadline provided by the EDD on each PUA benefit recipient’s notice (either through email or...

Three Days Left to Watch All 40+ REimagine! Sessions

Every single REimagine! session is available for you to watch on demand until December 16th. Rewatch your favorites or catch up ones you may have missed and prepare yourself to take on 2021. Dig into topics like virtual transactions, financial planning, finding more...

Donate Now to C.A.R.’s Housing Affordability Fund

With the holidays coming up, this is officially Giving Season. And we want to share with you how C.A.R.’s Housing Affordability Fund (the cool kids call it HAF) has spent 2020 so far. But first, a quick explanation in case you aren’t familiar...