A special message from C.A.R. President Jennifer Branchini

Dear CAR Member, As I begin to wind down my term as C.A.R. president, I want to say how honored I am to have served as your president in a year that has not been without challenges ― from a shifting market to industry and organizational challenges. I’m sure you’ve all...

Governor Newsom Signs AB 255

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed C.A.R.-sponsored legislation to update the state’s Residential Environmental Hazards Booklet to include information on wildfires and other hazards. Risks associated with wildfires, climate change, and sea level rise have increased over...

A monthly message from C.A.R. President Jennifer Branchini

Dear CAR member, Many of you have been affected by the insurance problems our state is facing with many large carriers deciding to stop issuing new policies. This has impacted many of your clients as they struggle to get homeowner’s insurance or are forced to obtain...

The importance of flood insurance

Most homeowners don’t fully understand the importance of being prepared for flooding in their homes. Did you know that homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage? After the record-breaking wildfires in California, the risk of flash flooding and mud...