To help CAR members address the impacts of the Burnett v. NAR et al. case, C.A.R. has prepared several resources designed to provide you with information on how buyer’s agents can communicate their value to consumers and how to
use the Buyer Representation and Broker Compensation Agreement (C.A.R. Form BRBC). These resources and much more are available on Smart Zone, your member resource site created to help you navigate the challenging market and show your value to clients.
Here are some of the resources available on Smart Zone:
FAQ answers created by C.A.R.’s Legal team outlining the
litigation and what the decision means for REALTORS®.
Legal guidance on the Buyer Representation and Broker Compensation Agreement and related forms.
Free course on buyer representation agreements: C.A.R. is
waiving the fee for members who register by Dec. 31, 2023.
REALTOR® Value resources to help you show your expertise
and practice important conversations with your clients.
Recordings of REALTORS® providing insights on how to best
use buyer representation agreements in your business.
Webinars with C.A.R. attorneys about when and how to
utilize the six buyer representation forms.
Quick Guides on topics such as Correcting
Misconceptions about Buyer Representation.