Curious About C.A.R.’s Long-Term Goals?

YOUR SHIFTING NEEDS ARE OUR MISSION. After a year-long process, extensive survey and research, and member input, C.A.R.’s Strategic Planning and Finance Committee (SPF) and Mission Statement Task Force have developed a C.A.R. Strategic Framework which defines the...

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Legislative Update

During the Fall Board of Directors Meetings in the Long Beach, the C.A.R.’s Board of Directors took action on a variety of policy related matters. Specifically, in the legislative arena, the Board directed that: 1. C.A.R. co-sponsor legislation to: a) allocate funds...

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Legislative Update

During the Fall Board of Directors Meetings in the Long Beach, the C.A.R.’s Board of Directors took action on a variety of policy related matters. Specifically, in the legislative arena, the Board directed that: 1. C.A.R. co-sponsor legislation to: a) allocate funds...

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Honoring Native American Heritage Month

In the 1970s, Congress began taking time to commemorate American Indian and Native Alaskans, including proclamations from U.S. Presidents. President George H. W. Bush signed a law in 1990 that officially recognized November as Native American Heritage Month. Native...

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CAR Business Products for Members

  ​​​​​ Need more listings and sales? Using MyLikelyMovers as a prospecting tool can help. MyLikelyMovers’ Artificial Intelligence looks at the search, spending, and online behavior of each contact in your database and scores them from 0-100 based on their...

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