CAR Market Matters

Talking Points It’s important to be prepared for a natural disaster and to have a plan in place prior to one happening. One way to prepare is to hold a neighborhood meeting and take an inventory of neighbors’ skills. Identify people who have medical, electrical, child...

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REBarCamp at Tahoe Deemed a Success

I just wanted to thank everyone for a completely successful First Tahoe REBarcamp held on Friday, September 28, 2012. It was EVERYTHING I hoped it would be.  I think that everyone who attended the Mike Mueller Facebook Workshop and REBarcamp were completely satisfied...

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CAR Market Matters

Pointers for first-time buyers: When looking for a lender, it’s important that buyers – especially first time buyers – do their research.  Buyers should ask for resumes, references, and see if they have an active online presence. When submitting offers, buyers should...

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Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act Introduced

While it’s good to hear the market is improving, many homeowners are still struggling to keep their homes.  Last week, California Rep. Jim Costa (D-Fresno) introduced a bill that will let responsible homeowners take advantage of current low interest rates on mortgages...

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CAR Agent Mentoring Course

To succeed in your real estate career you need to make sure you understand every inch of your business ensuring you give your best to every client that comes your way. This intensive and interactive, six-hour mentoring training will help boost, improve, protect, and...

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CAR Market Matters

Talking Points Want to sell a house fast? It’s not what’s sad, but how it’s said that matters. Houses that real-estate agents describe as “move-in condition” sell 12 percent faster than homes listed without those words.  “Starter homes” sell 9 percent faster.  But be...

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