CAR Market Matters

Talking Points … U.S. home prices are up just 4.8 percent in the year ended in September, according to the latest S&P/Case-Shiller report. That’s down from 5.1 percent in August. The home price index covering 10 major U.S. cities increased 4.8 percent in the year...

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C.A.R. Real Estate Summit Videos Now Available

An audience of nearly 300 real estate executives and practitioners, industry stakeholders, economists, and policymakers gathered this month in Los Angeles for the inaugural Real Estate Summit: Partnering for Change in California, which featured a keynote speech from...

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Survey: Consumers Value Smart Technology in Homes

A recent survey found that 46 percent of consumers believe it is important that their current home or next home they purchase be equipped with smart home technology. The survey, conducted by ERA Real Estate and HGTV, also found that while consumers see the value in...

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Paragon Webinars are Back!

Every Tuesday at 1p CT, Paragon offers brief and focused webinars with interactive training on various Paragon topics. Click here to view the calendar and register

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Study Finds Lenders Fall Short With First-time Buyers

A new study by J.D. Power found that first-time home buyers report challenges with understanding the mortgage process and the options that are available to them. Among survey respondents purchasing a home, 58 percent are first-time home buyers. Lack of experience...

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Monthly Message from C.A.R. President Chris Kutzkey

Dear Member, I’m very excited to begin my term as your 2015 C.A.R. President.  First, I’d like to thank our outgoing president, Kevin Brown, for serving this organization so well over the past year.  I know he put in many miles traveling around the state to meet as...

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