Generate leads and make money by tapping into the rental market
If you weren’t able to join the recent C.A.R. webinar, “How to Generate Leads and Make Money by Tapping into the Rental Market,” you can still watch it at your leisure! Plenty of great questions were asked in this informative session, so be sure to access the...
Keynote lunch speakers for REimagine! Conference & Expo
CAR is excited to reveal details about two can't-miss keynotes at REimagine! Conference & Expo. The theme: resiliency, adaptability and preparedness to take on the changing market. Sign up now to get impactful insights and valuable data to thrive in...
Q3 issue of California Real Estate magazine
Short-term rental Tax and more: C.A.R.’s Legislative Update
C.A.R. has successfully opposed SB 584 (Limón) for 2023, which would have imposed a 15% tax on renters of short-term rentals, putting this type of lodging out of reach for many low- and moderate-income families. Short-term rentals are typically a cost-effective...
Dive into CA housing’s relationship with water wupply
You're invited to join a wide-ranging conversation focused on California’s water supply issues and how possible solutions may mitigate the looming crises facing housing as C.A.R.'s Center for California Real Estate (CCRE) presents the next virtual discussion in...
Don’t let interest rates prevent clients from buying now
Don't let higher interest rates prevent your clients from buying a home now. Interest rates have risen lately, but don’t let that deter your clients from making their homebuying dreams a reality. Historically, interest rates have been higher, but those who did buy...
C.A.R. Legislative Update
Last week, the legislature has a busy committee hearing schedule. Three of C.A.R.’s sponsored bills will be heard, including AB 323 (Holden) Deed Restricted Units: Homeowner Protection, AB 717 (Villapudua) Revocable Living Trust Education, and AB 1280 (Maienschein)...
Check out the REimagine! Conference & Expo! trailer
Where do CA REALTORS® go every year? As you saw in the trailer — they head to the FREE REimagine! Conference & Expo! Join real estate pros from across the state in Anaheim, Sept. 19-21, for the return of Tech Tuesday, 50+ FREE mind-bending...
SmartZone for REALTORS
Real Estate can feel extra demanding and isolating during a changing market. We want you to know that we're here to navigate these new challenges together. The most important ingredient of a healthy business is a healthy and safe you. On your new resource site, Smart...
Fire tips for California homeowners
With nearly 500,000 California homes worth a combined $268 billion under serious risk from wildfires, and the issue growing more acute with each passing year, insurance companies are ramping up prices or outright refusing to renew policies in fire-prone areas. Here's...