Marketing You: 3 Instagram Traps to Avoid

If you’re looking to grow your business, Instagram can be the way to go. After all, with more than 1 billion registered users, it’s one of the most popular social media platforms globally. Last year, Instagram saw a nearly 23 percent increase in new signups, according...

Boost Inventory AND Save Your Clients Money

We know this story: There’s not enough housing supply to meet the demand and so bidding wars drive up prices. Yada yada yada… BUT, there’s a new character in this story: Prop 19. Prop 19 frees up inventory while providing tax savings for Seniors,...

Monthly message from C.A.R. President Dave Walsh

Dear CAR Membert, It is with bittersweet emotions that I must inform you that C.A.R. CEO Joel Singer has announced he will be retiring at the end of this year, following 43 years of service with the Association. And while I’m happy for him, and with a retirement that...