Make An Impact

C.A.R.’s HAF Closing Cost Assistance Grant Program, in a joint effort with our non-profit partners, helps first-time homebuyers who are members of an *”underserved community” bridge the affordability gap by providing them with up to $10,000 in...

CAR Legal Update

BROKERS FACE WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY LAWSUITS ACROSS CALIFORNIA ​​​​​​A rash of website accessibility lawsuits have been filed across the state with real estate brokerages named as the defendants. The legal claim underlying such suits is that a business’ website...

New Square Footage Standards for Appraisers

If you didn’t know, Fannie Mae is adopting some changes with the way appraisers measure square footage (pdf). In short, as of April 1, 2022, appraisers are going to be required to measure square footage per ANSI standards (American National Standards Institute). The...

Elevating Women in Real Estate

Did you know the number of women currently serving in Congress is the highest in history? This progress is great news, but with women holding just over a quarter of congressional seats, the legislative branch still has a long way to go to match the example set by our...