C.A.R. Disaster Relief Fund Available to Help

Nearly all Californians are under flood watches with threats of mudslides, power outages and deadly inundation. C.A.R. wants to remind our REALTOR® family that there is help available. If you have experienced property damage and/or loss due to flooding, you may be...

A monthly message from C.A.R. President Jennifer Branchini

Dear CAR Member, I hope you’re having a terrific start to the New Year! I’m excited to be your president this year. We know the market will be difficult for members and consumers alike. For consumers looking to buy or sell a home, having a trusted expert by their side...

Legal Update

The Revised RPA and New Forms — The Top Five Questions from the Legal Live Webinar The revised RPA and new forms for December 2022 have been released. 1400 Members attended our Legal Live Webinar on December 13th. You can listen to a recording of the...

CAR Business solutions for Members

​​​​​​ Need more listings and sales? Using MyLikelyMovers as a prospecting tool can help. MyLikelyMovers’ Artificial Intelligence looks at the search, spending, and online behavior of each contact in your database and scores them from 0-100 based on their likelihood...