Updating Listings is Agent’s Responsibility

Recently, the number of Agents that have been notified about data in their Pending and Withdrawn listings have tripled. It is an Agent’s responsibility to make sure all listing data is accurate – including estimated closing dates and status. Missing or...

2014 California Housing Market Update

The California housing market has been underperforming in the first half of 2014.  So, what’s going on?  Is it tight supply or lack of affordable housing?  Get the latest update on the California’s housing market. C.A.R.’s senior economist, Selma Hepp, also shared her...

CAR Market Matters

Talking Points … Pending home sales slowed modestly in August but contract signings remain at their second-highest level over the past year, according to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. All major regions experienced declines except for the West, which rose for...

Use the Finance Helpline!

Do you have a finance issue that is making your deal go sideways?  Have a limited amount of time to resolve your problem? C.A.R. has the answer for you and to save your transaction… the Finance Helpline.  Connecting you to reliable lenders and servicers, the Finance...