A message from C.A.R. President Ziggy Zicarelli

Dear CAR Member, I’m very excited to begin my term as your 2016 C.A.R. President.  First, I’d like to thank our outgoing president, Chris Kutzkey, for serving this organization so well over the past year.  I know she put in many miles traveling around the state to...
CAR Market Matters

CAR Market Matters

Talking Points … Home prices in 20 U.S. cities rose more than expected in September, according to the latest S&P/Case Shiller Home Price Index. The 20-city composite rose 5.5 percent year over year in September, compared with consensus estimates for a 5.2 percent...
Time is running out before Congress decides!

Time is running out before Congress decides!

Dear REALTOR, There’s no time to waste. Congress is currently debating whether or not to pass the new highway bill and we need sure our voices are heard. Congress needs to hear from every REALTOR.  Please Take Action Today! 185,000 REALTORS nationwide have already...