C.A.R. Speaks Out for Values of Inclusion and Equality

Dear CAR Member, Two years ago, C.A.R. celebrated the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. This signing marked the start of a long – as yet unfinished – journey toward granting all individuals equal opportunities with respect to shelter, regardless of race,...

Keeping Rental Messaging Streamlined during COVID-19

Communication is vital in the real estate industry, especially when marketing, showing and closing a rental property. Leasing agents and renters reach out to each other to clarify income history, employment details, and reference checks. Communication becomes...

ICYMI: California Coronavirus Weekly Update

Please take a moment to catch up on everything C.A.R. has been working on: We have developed new Best Practices Guidelines for Real Estate During COVID-19 in response to the COVID-19 Industry Guidance for Real Estate Transactions issued earlier this month by the...