Second Quarter California Housing Affordability

Higher home prices and economic recession dampen California housing affordability in second-quarter 2020, C.A.R. reports Thirty-three percent of California households could afford to purchase the $610,850 median-priced home in the second quarter of 2020, down from 35...

Why #RealtorsVote

As we’ve come to expect, we are inundated with political advertisements, social media posts, and other messages on a daily basis. It’s easy to get turned off by the negativity of elections and politics. While a lot of attention is paid to the top of the ticket, or...

ICYMI: California Coronavirus Weekly Update

Make sure you’re aware that we updated our FAQ for Employers on COVID-19 in the Workplace with new guidance on California and federal employment issues that may arise amidst this public health crisis. In This Issue: The Economy & Your Finances: New...

Complete PEAD-V Forms with Glide

Glide, a C.A.R. Business Products partner, is now offering a free guided workflow to all C.A.R. members to make it easier to create, send, and manage PEAD-V forms. This workflow allows you to instantly create compliant PEAD-V forms for multiple properties and visitors...

The July 2020 Sample Forms Book Now Available

A handy guide containing every page of every real estate form from C.A.R., including the new forms and the recently revised forms from June 2020.  Quite possibly the most important book in real estate! This book contains a current sample of EVERY Standard Form...