Tahoe Sierra Board of REALTORS®

Serving the North Tahoe and Truckee region since 1957
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Tahoe Sierra Board of REALTORS®

Vision Statement

To provide trusted leadership by promoting the highest level of professionalism and ethics among our members ensuring their respect and success within the community.

Mission Statement

The Tahoe Sierra Board of REALTORS® enhances the ability of its’ Members to practice their profession ethically and effectively through communication, training and accountability.

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Recent News

Monthly Message from C.A.R. President Otto Catrina

Dear CAR Member, This week, the California legislature returned from its summer recess to close out the 2020-2022 legislative session, which concludes at the end of this month. As we recently emailed you, C.A.R. strongly opposes two bills currently before the...

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MOBILIZATION ALERT: Oppose new property taxes!

Dear Members,      The California Association of REALTORS® OPPOSES Senate Bill 1105 (Hueso) and Senate Bill 679 (Kamlager) each of which creates an unelected agency with the power to impose a range of new property taxes.  Those taxes...

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