This course is designed to help minimize the chance of having a claim or lawsuit filed against you by following some simple Risk Management steps and by becoming educated in the areas which cause the greatest incidence of claims.The suggestions, education and advice presented can limit your liability and assist you with the handling of […]™ is a member benefit provided by the Tahoe Sierra MLS. The goal in designing MLSReports was to get useful information on the screen quickly. The information you will have at your fingertips is current. Accessing this information has been made easy, quick and intuitive. Everything you can show on your screen and print is […]
**Registration for this course has been closed Ensure you're up-to-date on all the 2014 changes for both you and your clients. With over 1,000 member comments reviewed, the RPA is being changed to meet the needs of California REALTORS®. Familiarize yourself with all the 2014 changes made to the form to better serve and […]