Latest Past Events

Risk Management Course

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This course is designed to help minimize the chance of having a claim or lawsuit filed against you by following some simple Risk Management steps and by becoming educated in the areas which cause the greatest incidence of claims. The suggestions, education, and advice presented can limit your liability and assist you with the handling […]


CE: Your Guide to the CA RPA

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The California Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA) form is the cornerstone of every successful real estate transaction in the state of California and there are several essential concepts, principles, and facts about this form that all REALTORS® should know. Get detailed instruction about how to properly complete and use the RPA form step-by-step to better serve […]


TSBOR & Truckee Fire Class

via Zoom

Truckee Fire and the Tahoe Sierra Board of Realtors are teaming up to offer a FREE specialized zoom training session tailored for real estate professionals. What is defensible space and how does it relate to real estate transactions? How can I efficiently navigate Truckee Fire and Tahoe Donner procedures to support my clients in meeting […]