At the heart of every California REALTORS®’ transaction is zipForm®. This versatile program offers flexibility of use both in the office and on the go, online or offline. 2014 offers new benefits for zipForm®, and many ways you can customize your account to fit your needs.
1.    Easy-to-Use Interface: Starting tomorrow, you will see updates to zipForm® Plus that will make the e-signature area even easier to use. You’ll now have a new way to save and apply contacts and property information to the transaction.

2.    New Feature for Digital Signatures: Starting Jan. 13, 2014, zipForm® will offer a new signing process, allowing sellers to complete and sign the Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) and the Seller’s Property Questionnaire (SPQ) from zipForm®. This new enhancement will be offered through zipLogix Digital Ink®, a FREE C.A.R. member benefit, and Docusign®. Webinar training about this new feature is available.

3.    zipForm® Mobile Web Edition with TouchSign™: This service lets you manage online transactions from your iPad or Smartphone. Clients can use their finger to sign documents, just as they would use a pen on paper. It’s available for a nominal annual fee of $12.95.

4.    zipVault®: The free zipVault® interface is completely integrated with zipForm® Plus for a cohesive experience, and zipVault® users can view stored files with transaction forms in one list.

5.    Forms Tutor®: This is a free online service that explains how to fill out C.A.R. Standard Forms clause-by-clause, and includes helpful audio and text instructions to guide you.

6.    ePUBS® for zipForm®:  This free library offers the ability to email a digitized version of the Combined Hazards Book and a separate signature page directly to clients.

7.    CalBRE Forms Library: The C.A.R. BRE Forms library is a great new, free benefit for C.A.R. members, and contains the most commonly used licensing, mortgage lending, and trust fund forms from the BRE website.

8.    zipForm MLS-Connect®: This free benefit integrates data straight from an MLS system into a zipForm® transaction and eliminates the need for double data entry. You can import data stored in an MLS database that hasn’t been keyed into zipForm®.

9.    Forms Advisor®: This free online software program identifies which C.A.R. Standard Forms to use and, when used in conjunction with Forms Tutor®, how to complete the forms.

10.    zipForm® Support & Training: Outreach sessions, free live and pre-recorded webinar training, short video tutorials and ample program FAQs are available to help you navigate your way through any zipForm® transaction. Click the “help” tab inside your zipForm® software.