Forms Tutor Training Offered Online

Having trouble understanding any of the C.A.R. Standard Forms Forms Tutor®, a free online service, will explain them to you clause by clause with audio and text instructions. You can access forms by category, alphabetically, or by code. Webinars are offered for...

Don’t Miss the CAR REALTOR Expo

Staying current with real estate trends always helps out your bottom line. The state’s largest real estate trade show, CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2012, is a great place to hone your skills, learn new ones, and network with your peers. Join us in Anaheim October 2-4 at...

REBar Camp Held September 28th

Please join us for REBarcamp on Friday, September 28th from 1-5pm.  (To be followed by a social gathering from 5-7pm RSVP required) REBarCamp is a unique “unconference” where participants create their own experience by investigating topics that are important to them! ...