By Chelsea Peitz, real estate social media strategist

Can I share a secret to content success on Instagram? COMMENTING more than CONTENTING …


Before you delete your content calendar, I’m not saying that content isn’t an important part of growing your brand and serving your potential customers.

What I am saying is that it’s not the ONLY part. According to the REALTORS® I coach, creating engaging content is also a major source of stress for many of you.

I’ve got good news for you! Commenting increases your engagement rates, strengthens your relationships and improves your social media presence because of this:

The socials heavily weigh “meaningful interactions” – comments, conversations and direct messages when determining how to sort and service your content in the feed.

The more you comment, the more …


Seeing your profile pic and name in the notifications and the comment/DM. Each exposure to your face/name creates top of mind brand awareness in a positive, non-interruption based, THEM focused experience.


By commenting thoughtfully (and intentionally) you are building mindshare, supporting your community, adding to the conversation AND you’re training the algorithm to serve you both each other’s content higher up in the feed.

The best part? Talking to people doesn’t require a camera, video, hashtag, research or content idea brainstorming. No excuses!

Will you commit to the challenge of spending 10 minutes every weekday in 2022 thoughtfully talking to your community?

 Chelsea Peitz is a real estate social media strategist, best-selling author, keynote speaker and podcaster. She teaches REALTORS® how to create relevant, brand-building content that is searchable, savable, shareable, story-focused and starts conversations. Follow her on Instagram @chelsea.peitz and visit her website at