Monday Ethics Question
Know the answer?
If you do, cheers! But if you’re not sure, we understand that when it comes to all things ethics-related, you’re always looking for more clarity. So welcome to our new Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline!

C.A.R. now offers our REALTOR® members a free ethics infoline where you can be assigned a volunteer member who is trained in the Code of Ethics to assist you with
your non-legal ethics questions. 

You can ask questions about whether your own actions or the actions of another REALTOR® member might violate the Code of Ethics.

C.A.R. Ethics Infoline
Give us a call: (213) 739-9160
Request assistance today. CLICK HERE!

    Infoline phone number       infoline webpage

Take full advantage of this member benefit! We created it for you to use as much as you like😉.

The infoline volunteer is NOT an attorney and CANNOT give legal advice or answer legal questions! Additionally, the Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is only available for members who are NOT currently involved in an ethics case at a local association OR members who are not a plaintiff or defendant in related pending litigation.