"California Dreamin'" is alive and well for sellers.

You already know how hot the current market is for sellers.
But do your clients know that? 

Let's talk numbers
May 2021 Data
These Market #'s + Prop 19 Tax Savings = A Seller's Dream
In addition to the recent sales numbers, don’t forget about the potential for property tax savings! Thanks to Prop 19, seniors, retirees, all homeowners aged 55+, homeowners with severe disabilities and victims of natural disasters can move closer to family, medical care, or to a home that better meets their needs anywhere in California without a tax penalty. (With an adjustment upward in the tax basis if the replacement property is of greater value).

If you need resources with this info to help your clients take advantage of this market and Prop 19’s savings opportunities, look no further!
Download our flyer and social media video to share today.

Flyer   Video

Curious how to educate your clients on these opportunities? Resources are available to you and your clients on our dedicated website